Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Indoctrination [Poem]

Some kids play sports, some kids cry, 
all I did was ask “Why, why, why?” 
All my nights were vivid dreams, 
All my days I played by streams.  


Some kids did physical activity, 
but I was stuck in thought-captivity. 
Playing with forms and stories in my brain, 
no one ever built brakes on my thought-train. 

The society outside was neat, organized, 
everything fits into a box and gets analyzed. 
Inside me was an invisible place of genesis, 
unformed mind-stuff, nescience, and desires endless. 

To me, the mission of all adults seemed to be: 
make my soul like the society outside me, 
something labelled, boxed, with rational utility.
But why? I couldn’t understand this mad futility.  

I resisted this with all of my might, 
something about it just never seemed right.
They wanted to transform me into an adult - 
But tired misery seemed to be their result. 

But punishment is a persuasive teacher. 
I ceased being an innocent, chaotic creature. 
I took on the guise of the diligent student, 
and subjugated enjoyment to being prudent.  

I rebelled silently in the imaginary  
the space behind my eyes was my sanctuary 
But I couldn’t blur the world into a lie for long 
soon reality would face me sternly and strong. 

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